About the Journal

The Journal of Climate and Community Development (JOCCD) is an open-access, double-blind, peer-reviewed international journal that includes empirical research, theoretical articles, case studies, systematic literature reviews, and meta-analyses. It is approved by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan and ranked in the Y-Category for 2024-2025.  

By keeping in view the mission of the Publisher; the Institute for Educating Environmental Resilience and Governance (IEERG)  the JOCCD focuses on research topics i.e. climate change and community resilience, climate impacts and food security, climate adaptation and sustainable development, technology and innovation in climate and community development, etc. For details, visit Aim & Scope 

The journal is multidisciplinary. We welcome submissions from diverse disciplinary backgrounds, including environmental science, sociology, gender studies, and cultural studies.

Desk Review Time: 1 week (Average)

Peer-review Process: 4 weeks (Average)

Acceptance Rate: 72%

Note: The Journal did not charge any submission fees from the authors, however, it is charging a minimal fee as processing and publication charges. for detailed guidance visit Author Guidelines

Current Issue

Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024): Joccd
Published: 2024-11-08


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